Results of the survey "What is important in your contact with healthcare?"

During February and March 2022, Region Jämtland Härjedalen together with the county's municipalities conducted a survey aimed at the county's adult citizens. The survey dealt with citizens' experiences of health care and had the title "What is important in your contact with healthcare?".

The results of the survey show that the county's citizens think this is important:

  • it should be easy to contact healthcare.
  • citizens should receive care in a reasonable time.
  • citizens will have access to a permanent contact with their physicians.
  • the care must give a good reception.
  • the citizen is given the opportunity to participate in their care.
  • the care should be coordinated.

These parts are also recurring in the survey, where citizens have had the opportunity to express themselves in free text and confirm and reinforce the results from similar surveys conducted in other parts of the country. The results will be used to create a target image for the region and the municipalities in Jämtland Härjedalen in the adjustment work towards local health care.

Complete results for the entire county Länk till annan webbplats.